Is Digital "Real" ?

In the current era is of Social Media, or more generally Digital Media - as it encompasses some more media like the internet, e-commerce or a host of e-services that we are using or are likely to use very soon... what is more significant or important? Is it still the print media or the TV or other media of approaching the masses, such as public meetings, exhibitions, road shows & so on?

The answer is difficult. While one may tend to vouch for the digital media - I doubt.

Even today, I still like to read the 'real' newspaper - although I'm getting all the news 24x7 from so many sources - the TV, the Whatsapp, various mobile apps run by news channels or newspapers...

Why so? I'm trying to dig deeper... As I think, I get more insights. Newspaper is not just about news. It's about an opinion. It's about details, It's about convenience of reading, It's about other articles, It's about other stories, It's about variety of things together, It's about page 3... The list is indeed big. And finally, it's about the feel ! When I hold a newspaper & read it with a cup of coffee - it's unbeatable combination ! No laptop, tabletop, tablet or mobile can beat this combination.

That is perhaps why even big e-commerce sites like Amazon, eBay or Flipkart are giving full front page advertisements in the newspapers. Is it not a paradox?

Let's compare what both are doing. While Amazons & eBays of the world are selling goods worth, say, $ 100 at $ 75, a leading newspaper whose total cost is half a dollar to the publisher sells it in India at few cents. They earn their costs plus make good money over & above this cost just from advertisements. What is the message that we get from this? The advertisers are no fools to put in so much money into newspaper ad's... So it's important & many people are reading it.

Another example is, while everyone talks of paperless -the sale of HP printers is increasing !! Where is digital then? Or why are politicians choosing to put hoardings everywhere when it's election time?

I am tempted to compare reading a book on kindle against reading the same book in reality. While many of my friends are liking reading books on kindle, I still prefer a 'real' book. By no means I am underestimating the power of digital media or "The Digital' per se... but I can't believe it is "The Thing' and nothing else matters... Sorry ! Again a 'real' book & a cup of tea or coffee is an unbeatable combination...

How do you like to read my views on digital?

But here comes another paradox... Why are you reading this on digital? and that too from someone who works in the DIGITAL domain??

(c) Nitin Kirloskar


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